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Dear Visitors, welcome to Letters to Mariah Http://Soar.to/Letters2Mariah. For your Information, this site is best veiwed under Netscape or I. Explorer. Thank You, Letters to Mariah Staff |
Letters to Mariah Information- Creator: Marina Occupation: Singer/Writer Reasons for L2M: Devotion, love and thanks to Mariah Carey. Hopes for the Site: For MC fans to become united, for Mariah to see this site, and to make fans happy when their letters are displayed. Other Info About the Creator: I will be a professional singer in a girl group no matter what it takes. When we make it, I would give anything to do a duet of SMILE by Nat king Cole with Mariah. I'd also write a song for her to sing, get her to help me with an album and work for her ;) Our Site- Our site consists of multiple webpages and specialty sections. We have a 16 member staff of Mariah fans who have volunteered to help at L2M. Some have even been given their own sections! This is all for Mariah Carey, the Intelligent artist. I say the Intelligent artist because she not only bring chills to her fans, make it to number one repeatedly and write soulful lyrics, but she has the smarts to treat her voice right to preserve it for a lifetime. Mariah is just the best, no questions asked. And I go through the pains to make a little site as good as possible. So take a chance and enjoy looking through the whole site! And Mariah, we love you with all of our hearts! Thanks! Marina and the L2M Allstars! 
**In order for this site to live, I can't do it without your support! We aren't asking for news, pictures or you to do any work for us, though it is helpful!! We just want to know how you feel about Mariah. Your expression keeps this site lively and Mariah happy! So send us your letters, poems our artwork even, and don't be afraid to express yourself!** |
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Feel Free to E-Mail the L2M AllStarz Anytime! Click Here! The Beauty of Music- "When thou commandeth me to sing, it seems that my heart would break with pride; and I look to thy face, and tears come to my eyes. All that is harsh and dissonant in my life melts into one sweet harmony-and my adoration spreads wings like a glad bird on it's flight across the sea...I touch by the edge of the far spreading wing of my song, thy feet which I could never aspire to reach. Drunk with the joy of singing, I forget myself and call thee friend who art my lord." - Rabindranoth Tagore For every true artist there is this feeling. As a singer I live in the world of music. Every waking moment and every slumber I experience. I would imagine Mariah would feel this way. So I put these words up for her. -Marina WHAT'S GOIN' ON AT L2M IN January 2001? Feature Attraction: An Interveiw with an award winning Mariah Look alike! New News and facts and so much more! Read on! Well it's officially the millennium. 2001. There have been so many changes made, thats we are very excited. So check out whats happening in January 2001: Home: On our home page we have displayed our official site flag, in Mariah's favorite colors of course. A new mascott, which happens to be Marina's dog, read our mascotts touching story of survival, on her own site, UmaWeb.Com. We have all new graphics for January and so much more. In the Newslounge- Instead of 2 news features this month, we have one big one! An interveiw with an award winning Mariah look-alike. Laura has appeared on many TV shows and was nice enough to join us this month!She has also been interveiwed on Mariah's Diary. We also have another Mariah encounter, only this time the loving Luis is with her! What is LaQuanda yipping about this month? Mariah...a Bungee jumper?? Her and Macy Gray made up?? Check it out! All new MariahScopes are ready for your eyes this month! About Mariah- We have new pictures! Mariah Gallery- All new pictures of the month! Mariah Song of the Month: Forever/Daydream Ask Mariah Fans:December's Question has been answered, what in the world could this months Mariah fan want to know??? Campaign section: We have voting methods galore and a new project called "There's Got To Be A Way" You can join in! See how! IV with a Webmaster:Last month was the lovely MCUK, this month is Mariah's Magic. See what the kind webmistress Alcia has to dish about as we talk Mariah stuff. Request an Interveiw today! New Letter: This month is from Sameera, who only wishes Mariah could read her songs and maybe even sing one! **NEW** Interact! Our new section has The L2M Chat Vault, Our Love All For Mariah, messageboard and our fan club, the Lamb's Circle. Go see how you can be part of our fan Friendships! New Awards: Thanks to The Queens of Pop, website for Mariah and Madonna, we have won another award. And most of all, we won one of the most prestigious awards on the web. The Golden Web Award! **CHECK OUT MARINA'S HAND DRAWN MARIAH TOONS!** MariahToons appear courtesy of Juanita Lee.

"So, I'm 20 years old and still draw like a 7 yearold. There will be more to come, so ya better like my toons! Seriously, I hope you like the pictures that I draw, of course this is Mariah and Bianca!" Love Ya'll Lots! 
These wonderful organazations and awards cannot be possible, without a great group of webmasters and webmistresses. Pay them a visit and join in the organazations or win one of their prestigious awards! 
**Please take out time to vote for us above** **And click the link below, to go to UmaWeb.Com, to read about our mascott!** 
UmaWeb.Com The Mariah Fan "to do" list: We suggest visting thses areas before you leave. Sign our guestbook, we love hearing from you! Read our new stories(news, exclusives,etc.) Check out the new gallery photos! Read the new letter! Print out the Forever lyrics and use the page as a poster to pretty up your walls! Join our fan club, The Lamb's Circle! Please Leave a message for us on Love All For Mariah! Check back for chat schedules! (Starting In February) Send Mariah fan mail! Send Uma get well letters and fan mail! Read all of the news in the newslounge! Read about our campaigns! Visit all of our links and Bookmark them and us! Vote for Mariah! And send us your letters to Mariah! 

**Note To The Fans** Dear Mariah Fans, All of your letters to Lifetime have helped. Each and every one makes a difference. We appreciate all of the work you do sending letters to the network ro try and get Mariah on Lifetime. I find it outrageous that she hasn't been on yet. I normally wouldn't have taken on a campagin like this, since we promote Mariah taking a break, rather than working herself to death. But this is a chance for Mariah to shout! Something she has deserved her whole life. Thanks to all of you for being persistant! If we keep on, we might just see Mariah's face and hear a lot of "In Facts" next season! Marina/L2M AllStarz |
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